Interlibrary Loan
Can't find it in our collection? Request a title through interlibrary loan and we will find it for you!
Self Directed Loans
Take charge of your own interlibrary loans with our patron portal.
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Don't worry. If you need assistance with your self directed loans we're here to help
Staff Directed Loans
Can't find what your looking for? Contact your nearest Library branch and we can place a request for you!
Library patrons may request material through for interlibrary loan but are subject to the following limitations:
- Only residents of Fort Erie with valid FEPL membership may use the Inter- Library loan service.
- Only three (3) titles may be requested at one time.
- Materials not eligible for inter loan include:
- Very popular titles
- Titles less than one year old
- Duplicates of titles already owned
- Basic reference material
- Rare materials
- Materials with a pre 1900 publication date
- Periodicals
- Book Club Sets
- Objects/microforms
- Video Games